Code Enforcement



Permits & Licenses

Enforcement of the International Building Code is now mandated by the State of Maine. You must fill out the Supplemental Building Application Form or supply a complete set of blue prints for all new structures.

The applicant is required to submit information needed on the permit form, incomplete applications will be returned without a permit. If you are unable to fill the application out completely, come in and meet with the Code Officer.

Town Permits

The Town of Livermore requires residents and contractors to obtain a permit for the following types of projects:

Permit application forms may be obtained at the Town Offices “Applications & Permits”.

Please contact the Code Enforcement Officer for more information.

Limited Commercial Zoning Ordinance (1).pdf
Purchasing Policy.pdf
Junkyard Application.pdf
Local Food Self Governance Ordinance.pdf
Cemetery Policy.pdf
Acceptable Use Policy.pdf
Disaster Recovery Policy.pdf
Demolition Permit.pdf
Dog Control Ordinance.pdf
Building Permit Application (4).pdf
Electrical Application.pdf
Dangerous Dog Ordinance.pdf
Driveway Permit.pdf
Building Ordinance (1).pdf
Floodplain Management Ordinance.pdf
Mobile Home Park Ordinance.pdf
Floodplain Management Ordinance.pdf
Password Management Policy.pdf
Post Issuance Compliance Policy.pdf
Policy to Permit Disbursement of Town Payments.pdf
Personnel Policy Procedures.pdf
Request Public Records Policy.pdf
Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.pdf
Site Plan Review Ordinance.pdf
Site Plan Application.pdf
Special Amusement Application.pdf
Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance.pdf
Social Media Policy.pdf
Special Amusement Ordinance (1).pdf
Supplemental Building Application Form.pdf
Street Ordinance (1).pdf