
Livermore homeschoolers and parents during a visit to the Town Office, where they learned about democracy and firefighting.

Spruce Mountain Primary School

Location: 107 Gibbs Mill Road, Livermore, ME 04253

Phone: 207-897-3355

Spruce Mountain Elementary School

Location: 12 Tiger Drive, Jay, ME 04239

Phone: 207-897-5719

Spruce Mountain Middle School

Location: 23 Community Drive, Jay, Me 04239

Phone 207-897-7319

Spruce Mountain High School

Location: 33 Community Drive, Jay, ME 04239

Phone: 207-897-4336

Superintendent of Schools

Location: 9 Cedar Street, Livermore Falls, ME 04254

Phone: 207-897-6722

Adult Education

Location: 9 Cedar Street, Livermore Falls, ME 04254

Phone: 207-897-6406

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